How to Choose Where to Go Next

I decided that I’m traveling this year! It sounds silly, so let me explain: I’m always looking for opportunities to do it, but often in the past I have traveled at times when it felt like all of the stars aligned in order to make it possible. This year, I’m making an effort to see new places, regardless of the stars.

This means a few things—for one, the world is my oyster. Without having to cater to anyone else’s needs or interests, I could literally do anything I want. ANYTHING.

….which opens up that can of worms called decision-making. I love feeling like a badass who’s in charge of her own destiny, but let’s be real. Do I always like making my own decisions? Not so much.

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48 Hours in Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Once upon a time, I dreamed of a place in the mountains, where I could frolic to my heart’s content…but then I did the Canyon Climbers challenge and realized that I could waste away believing these things are fairytales, or be an independent human and actually go do them! (More on that here.) Which brings us to my next adventure: Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

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Canyon Climbers: A Hike Through Georgia's Most Scenic State Parks

I signed up to do Canyon Climbers a whole year ago, you guys. 365+ days. And you want to know how long it took me to complete once I finally set my mind to it?

About a month.

You see, for a really long time I wouldn’t go hiking alone. I think I was nervous about the idea of being out in the wilderness alone, but even more than that, I felt let down and upset that there was nobody I could convince to venture out with me.

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Sunsets at Atlanta’s Monadnocks: Who Wore It Best?

Hello, and welcome to my hometown! While I think that travel is basically one of the best things ever, I also think that exploring your own backyard can sometimes be just as rewarding. And since I’ve been spending a lot of time cramming my brain with as much new information as possible lately, I’ve been at home for the past few months. So. Much. Learning. BUT! In an attempt to balance out all the weird real life adulting and working and stuff that I’ve been doing, I have been exploring. It doesn’t always have to take a crazy vacation in order to go on an adventure! Because of all my hometown adventures, this is going to be the first of (hopefully) many posts to come outlining all the awesome things to do in Georgia. Spoiler alert: a lot of those things include mountains.

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National ParksMichelle Berkes
Two Days in the Windy City: Chicago, Illinois

Someone told me recently that hotdogs are the start of every great story. Now, I’m not sure of the accuracy of that statement, and this one doesn’t really begin with hotdogs…but there’s a hotdog in it. So it qualifies, right? Last week, I expressed my anguish at having missed out on a Seattle dog, so when I visited Chicago, Illinois, a few weeks later, I made sure to not make that detrimental mistake again! Okay, so this wasn’t my first time visiting Chicago, and it definitely wasn’t my first time eating a Chicago dog, but there are some food staples that you can’t miss in each city. Hotdogs just happen to be one of them…again.

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One Day in Seattle, Washington

So…is cream cheese on a hotdog a real thing? Apparently this is what sets apart the true Seattle-ites from us tourists. If you are looking for true United States food culture, don’t try all the delicious seafood and oysters…it’s the cream cheese hotdog that will truly make you feel like you are in Seattle.

Can you tell that I’m joking?

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A Totally Honest Guide to Eleuthera Island, The Bahamas

HAPPY BAHAMIAN INDEPENDENCE DAY!! The Bahamas officially gained independence from the U.K. on July 10, 1973, making today the nation’s 44th birthday! I spent my summer working on the island of Eleuthera in 2013, allowing me to celebrate year 40 in true Bahamian style. In honor of their independence day, I have put together something of a guide to the northern side of Eleuthera.

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Michelle Berkes